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Shoreline Restoration

Shorelines are areas of high energy.

Wave action, ice movement and human disturbances, such as removal of natural vegetation, cause soil particles to move creating vulnerable areas along the shore. When erosion is experienced it :

  1. Degrades natural eco systems and wildlife
  2. Reduces water clarity and natural plant production
  3. Increased water temperatures, causing major problems in trout streams  
  4. Increases the production of undesirable plant and algae growth
  5. Decreases angling spawning and feeding
  6. It's more than just moving dirt!

With our many years of experience in environmental landscaping we understand erosion and the conditions that lead to the degradation of the shore. We utilize up to date erosion control methods to create long terms solutons. Let us help you restore your shore.

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Call Seasonal Concepts Today to Start your Project Today!

(630) 302-1009

We are happy to help you bring happiness, joy, peace and tranquility to your home during unprecedented times. Contact Us Today!!

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